Well September wasn't too crazy of a month so I haven't had anything to blog about! So to meet my at least one post a month goal, I'll entertain you all with about the only thing that happened in September, a feet post! ;) haha.... Sounds so exciting, I KNOW!!
And it wasn't until after I wrote this post that I realized it kind of turns into a rant post! haha :/ and no pictures :( I wish I did have pictures of my cat in the car though! Because every time I would take him to the vet (post below), I would let him get out of his cage on the way home and he would just ride on my lap and look out the window like a dog! Or hop in the back window and ride up there! Haha
Crazy Cat Lady post below! ;)
Bitty and I, that's my cat, have had some feet issues going on.
We took Bitty and Yazzi to get declawed a while ago, so much domestication going on!, (trip 1 for Bitty) and Yazzi healed up fine but Bitty limped for about 3 weeks afterward. So I finally took him back to the vet (trip 2 for Bitty) and there was a scab on one of his toes that the vet picked off saying that the scab feels like a rock in our shoe-making him limp, and we went home. A week later he was still limping so we took him back (trip 3 for Bitty) and there was a scab on a different toe that the vet picked off and we went home. A week later he was still limping! So I took him back to the vet (trip 4 for Bitty) and there was another scab on the same toe the first scab was on. The vet thinks that his bone was breaking through skin every time he jumped or something so we scheduled him for surgery to get that toe opened back up, the bone pushed back, and the skin pulled up over and stitched back up (trip 5 for Bitty). And after 5 trips to the vet, we finally got him better! No more limping for Bitty!! Me on the other hand, have had no such luck :(
I have been dealing with bilateral arch pain for a while now, like 6 or more months awhile now, haha. But they only hurt when I was running, jumping, or doing high impact classes so I didn't think much of it.... Dumb! As time went on they started hurting even when I was just walking. About a month ago I had a Doc at work ask me how the gym was going and I told him not too well because my arches and he "diagnosed" me with plantar fasciitis, which is inflammation in the tissue connecting the heel to the toes. Caused by: running (check), jumping (check), inadequate foot support (check), occupations where you spend most of your time walking or standing (check!). If I would have looked into it earlier and not just always put it aside, I could have self diagnosed myself much earlier...not saying I would have started taking care of them though :/ because it took me like 2 weeks after what the doctor told me to do to heal them, to actually do what he said! I think I didn't take care of it earlier or pay attention to it because I knew what that would mean. :(
So, for a month now I have been wrapping my feet, taking ibuprofen 3x/day, stretching, wearing braces when at home and when sleeping, I got insoles, icing.....oh and no exercising! I mean I can do some exercising like the elliptical for a little while, and the bike, but that's it! And let's be real, those aren't even a real workout. Even spin class hurt even though I wasn't technically on my feet. So basically I haven't worked out for a month! Which is exactly what I knew admitting I had an injury would do. :( And this seriously has been the hardest thing ever! I have worked out every day, or pretty dang close, for like 10+ years!
So anyways, back on track here haha, I was lucky enough to draw a bull tag in 45 again this year, so after my hunt is over October 31st, I am hoping my feet will be healed and I can start working out again! I won't be surprised if I have to wait even another month though since I neglected the issue for so long. It's going to be like starting all over again with exercise, like I've never worked out before! :o
This post turned out WAY longer that I intended it too! So if you made it to this point, sorry about that!! haha And wish me luck in my elk hunt! But even more luck in my feet healing!!
Muah! :)