
Sunday, November 26, 2017


This year was my families year for Thanksgiving! I was so stoked! I went down Wedneseday and didn't come home until Sunday, and what made it better was that Tommy came too! He was supposed to work Thanksgiving and was just going to come down when he got off, but he ended up not having to work!! So he got to go down with me and stay the whole time!

I had planned this and looking forward to is clear since the end of summer when I had to request what holidays I had off!

We had a great Thanksgiving dinner with all my sisters and brother and my Mom and Dad! Such good food!! (The best part!! ;) ) And such great company!! (I meant to get a family picture but forgot until a few had left :/ ). 
Jed and Tricia's boys planned minute to win it games we played 
Moving balls from one bowl to another only using our mouths and a spoon :)
Just the cutest picture!! <3
Playing the game when you have to get a cookie from your forehead to you mouth!
My tongue wasn't long enough!
And I just laughed the whole time!!
* Also see picture below ;)
And of course Jed had to be tormenting!
Tommy got his in his mouth within seconds! Hence no pictures of him! I ended up giving up!

And then played the saran wrap game Tam made!
You had to put the turkey hat on before you started unwrapped the saran ball!
I never got very far unwrapping! My mom always rolled doubles right as she got the dice!
We had such a great time hanging out with everyone all day! And after everyone left we went swimming at Super 8 :)

Friday morning Jed, Tommy and I took the older kids down to the gym and played basketball while Trish got the Twins ready. After a while at the gym we went and got our hair cut (THANKS TRISH!!) and Jed, Tommy, and Eric took the older boys shooting while Trish, Tam, and I hung out with the young uns' at home! And once again hung out late into the night! (Playing Ticket to Ride of course!!)

Saturday morning Jed and Tommy went snowmobiling with the older two boys 
and Trish and I took the Twins and Tally swimming again! And then to the craft fairs! That night I headed out to my Mom's house to get some sewing done before root beer floats for my sisters birthday! And another late night of Ticket to Ride and 31... so worth it though!!

We headed back home Sunday after stopping by to see Tam and Er one last time, and then home it was to get caught up on some sleep for work the next couple days!! ;)
We love spending time with family! Thanks for having us and see you all in a month!! <3

And Happy Thanksgiving 2017 from Us!