
Friday, March 28, 2014

My Spring Break Fun!

So spring break is the whole reason that I started this blog.. and it all started with a little bit of anesthesia!

I was pretty chill after my surgery so my videos aren't that amusing or hilarious to watch, Sorry! There are a few funny things and I cut a lot out to spare you of boring nonsense :)

Spring break is supposed to be an awesome break from school, which it was a break, but minus the awesomeness! Tommy and I had thought about going to Cali, Vegas, or Disneyland for spring break but in the end decided to schedule my wisdom teeth surgery instead and then go to Boise Wednesday and Thursday. Little did we know we would both be spending the whole week on the couch.

I went in Friday for my first surgery, or any kind of medical procedure for that matter, first IV (I was scared because I know how difficult it can be to start an IV and the process of "fishing" for it), first anesthesia (Was I allergic to anything? I didn't know because this was the first time I had had anything! Was I going to have an anaphylactic reaction?) All these questions from being a nursing student started running threw my mind. It was a little nerve racking! Anyways.. It was all fine except I remember looking over when he had my IV in and there was no blood.. Great he missed and will have to do another one! But apparently he didn't miss because the next thing I knew I was floating and laughing aaaaand.. Out!

Ok so enough of the actual surgery... it was the next few days I felt what surgery's all about. I had Hydro to take the pain away but the bad thing was I didn't have much of an appetite and Hydro makes you nauseous if you don't take it with food. So every four hours I would force something down just to take the pain pill. Another thing about anesthesia and pain meds is they plug ya up! So with nothing coming out, and continuing to shove food down.. I was so nauseous! I can't tell you how nauseous I was!! And all day everyday.. before taking the pill and after :( I felt horrible for days! Then to add onto it about four days after my surgery the hydro and ibuprofen together were not cutting the pain.. It. was. miserable! So I finally went back in and got some kind of herb antibiotic packed down in the incision, or somewhere, and needless to say, it feels a lot better!! So I am doing better and off those nasty hydros! I seriously don't understand why people take those for recreation.. they are no fun! And.. I think after this.. morning sickness will be a breeze! ;) So that is how this blog got started.. I had a lot of time on my hands and was feeling like crap, so instead of doing homework (which I Really should have been studying for this next test I have because supposedly it's the hardest :/ ), I started a blog! Just so I could tell you all about my lousy spring break! :)
These ones have a little more funniness in them because I was coming out of it more.

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