
Sunday, August 17, 2014

It's Rainin' Cats and Dogs!

Well hello again! This post is nothing spectacular, just mainly for documentation and for my family to see :) And it will really be boring to my Twin Falls friends who most likely have seen all these pictures, so I wouldn't waste your time ;)

Ok so it was about the 6th of August, give or take a few days, and it had been raining for like two to three days straight! Seriously, I had never seen it rain like that before! Day and night was rain, rain, rain. The news said we got 2.7in. in the last 24hrs on the 6th, and 3.69in. in the previous 3 days! So needless to say, it was raining cats and dogs!(meaning-it was raining hard and a lot:) )

All the rain = a lot of flooding everywhere, roads were shut down, you had to get to the gym early to get a parking spot because half the parking lot was a lake, it was pretty nuts! So I thought I would just post some pictures for everyone to see and to look back on in years to come :)

These two pictures are of our parking lot, the pictures don't really do justice to how flooded it was though

And these two pictures are of a car dealership on one of our main streets! :/
Those apartments across the street are actually where we used to live! If we would have still lived there we could have rode in our boat! ;) haha

This road is the road we live on just about 200 yards from our app. So we kinda got lucky that just our parking lot flooded!

This picture is my favorite one!! This road was blocked off because it grades down quite a bit to go under the overpass, but this lady in the van drove around the "blocked off", "do not enter" sign and there she is! Haha just classic! Hope she can swim!

If this is the parking lot that I am thinking it is, the actual parking lot is down below that gate thing, you have to pull down into it (IF it is the right one I'm thinking of ??)

They advised everyone not to walk the path along the canyon rim... this is why!! They didn't want anyone falling off the dang edge!
So, that's all :)

P.S. I only took the pictures of my parking lot and got the rest off the news websites so copyright goes to them :)

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