This post is a little late... but as you all probably already know.. I am D.O.N.E. with nursing school!! I can not even believe it!! And I know you are all S.I.C.K. of hearing about nursing school!.. But I wanted to write a little post about my last 6 weeks precepting experience. Not that it was anything spectacular but it wasn't really what I was expecting. So during precepting we get to choose which area of the hospital we want to go work 108 hours in. I loved labor and delivery so I wanted to go there but I also wanted to go on a different floor to get my face out there a little bit more in case labor and delivery wasn't hiring (people tend to like it there so they rarely hire :) )
Anyways.. so I decided to do 4 shifts on the surgical floor and 5 shifts on the OB floor. Well my surgical shifts went well, we only got floated one day to the cardiopulmonary floor which I didn't mind working. On the other hand, my OB rotated turned out to be something totally unexpected! We ended up getting floated to the NICU 4 out of the 5 days I was hoping to precept in L&D! So I guess I was destined to be a NICU nurse.. ?? haha But the experience was really great! In all honesty I didn't enjoy the NICU when I did one clinical day in there but precepting in there it really grew on me, and I would Not mind working there at all! Besides snuggling all the cute !little! babies, I got to put down a nasogastric tube (a tube that goes through the nose, down the esophagus, into the stomach) (it was a lot better experience than doing it on a big person!!)
But even the one day in L&D was a good one!! I got to see two births and then was helping with another one where the baby was being naughty.. We like to see the baby's heart rate in 120's 130's to 140's 150's, so pretty high.. well this baby dropped down to the 70's during a contraction and push and wasn't coming back up fast after the contraction/push! Talk about nerve racking!! The doctor immediately came in though and we rushed the patient to emergency C-section. So it was a good learning experience for me to see how fast an emergency C-section takes place and to get to help out with it! And plus I'm into that nerve racking, fast acting, adrenaline stuff!.. Adrenaline Junkie!!
So that's all! :)
Until my next post! (Probably in less than 24hrs.) :)
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