
Sunday, January 18, 2015

The Best Three Years!

I am barely getting to this post because I have been studying to take my licensure test, but today, I need a break! So today I will post a post due two weeks ago! :)

Two weeks ago, the 5th of January, marked Tommy's and my 3 year anniversary! So since it was the first time that he had it off (besides our actual wedding day!) we decided to go somewhere and do something. So we booked a room at the Black Swan Inn in Poky... The Caveman :)
I had to turn my flash on because the room was Really dark so you couldn't see anything in the picture, so that's why the pictures look kind of weird..

It was pretty dang awesome!! I was highly impressed!!

We even got our very own welcome! Pretty Special! ;)

3 years together and it has flown by!! Seriously though! And we are still Madly in love!!
(mushy, I know :) )
My husband has a hard time smiling! I always have to tell him "ok, now smile!".. It was half way there ;)

The shower/tub was awesome, kinda like a waterfall, the water just came out of the ceiling (you can kind of see it)
 And this is what our bubble bath looked like (because who doesn't take a bubble bath in a huge tub, With Jets, and a leopard print curtain, that you can watch tv from?!).. I didn't take any pictures because knowing my phone luck I would have dropped it.. But seriously though I kept adding bubble bath because it wasn't bubbling up... until we turned on the jets!! Then it turned to this! It really did too! The bubbles just kept growing and growing and soon I could barely see Tommy's face (like this picture)! We had to keep draining water so the bubbles would stay in the tub and not flow over and get everywhere!... My personal favorite story of this years anniversary! :)
 So after we checked in, we left and went to eat at.. (bet you can't guess).. Texas Roadhouse! And not only once this trip.. but Twice! Anyways, after we got done eating, Tommy dug a sticky note out of his pocket that was folded into an envelope (pretty tricky, I'd say!). So I opened it.. and there it was!
A beautiful wedding band he had bought on our cruise from Grand Turk! It is for when I go to work because putting gloves on and off constantly over a raised ring is not fun! And that's what I do all day! I was so happy I cried! And I think it was mainly because it was the thought that counted, Tommy got it without talking to me, picked it out, and surprised me with it.. that's what did me in! ;)

The next day we spent the day going to stores, went to lunch at... Texas... and to the movie Unbroken.. It was pretty good, but quite long and a little slow moving, and very torturous :( And I won't lie, it was kind of awkward coming out of the movie and passing Japanese people who were in the movie with us :/ haha (the movie was about WWII, against the Japs), but that was probably just me haha But we had a great time celebrating the best 3 years of our life and can not wait for the year(s) that lie ahead!!

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